How to Choose An Acupuncturist

mmucle musculaChoosing a health care provider is a very personal decision, and not one to take lightly. Here are some things to think about to help you make a more informed choice. 1. Licensure & Education Generally acupuncturists will list their credentials and...

Acupuncture FAQ

Does Acupuncture Hurt? I use very small needles, smaller than a human hair. Generally you won’t feel most points, but some will have a small, temporary pinch on points that address an acute symptom. How Many Visits Does it Take? That depends on several factors: your...

How To Take Herbs

Learn how to properly take herbal remedies At my first visit with a licensed Chinese herbalist, when he found out I worked in the film industry, he said, “Oh no, you’re on ginseng then? Stop at once, it’s so wrong for your constitution.” It was pretty common at the...

Staying Healthy in Autumn

    Boost Immunity & Learn to Let Go In Chinese Medicine, every season is linked to an organ and an emotion. The lungs & large intestine are associated with Autumn, which means this is the ideal time to treat them. They respond best to treatment in...