Photo of a young woman with freckles, posing next to pieces of wheat
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

Facial acupuncture has been used for many years to safely to treat acne, fine lines, sagging skin, large pores, TMJ and other visible signs of aging without side effects.

How it Works

Cosmetic acupuncture works by treating both your skin, and the underlying cause of complexion issues by balancing hormones, improving circulation of blood and lymph, reducing inflammation and stress and increasing collagen.

It stimulates your body to heal itself by creating little microscopic injuries. Your body responds by sending healing chemicals to the area, which will improve the texture and condition of your skin. It will also make you feel more relaxed and centered.

Conditions Treated

  • Fine lines
  • Sagging skin
  • Large pores
  • Hormonal issues
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • TMJ

Number of Visits Needed

To see lasting results, you will need 10 visits, ideally twice a week. Depending on your health and age, you might need some maintenace visits down the line. Usually that is a visit every few months.

Some people may need some balancing treatments before starting a series, depending on their health conditions, in order to get good outcomes.

What Happens in a Session

I use a combination of facial acupuncture, gua sha, facial masks, and facial cupping, depending on what you need. I also use body acupuncture points to address the underlying need for cosmetic acupuncture.

I might also prescribe time-tested, safe, effective herbal formulas and serums that will drastically improve your results.

Most people find cosmetic acupuncture deeply relaxing. Patients also frequently find that their sleep is better and they have less muscle tension.

Improving Health to Improve Your Skin

Your inside reflects your outside. This procedure is about becoming healthier, physically and emotionally, to look better and feel better. In Chinese Medicine, the health of different organs affects different aspects of your skin and how you age.

This is the right procedure for you’re open to easy, common sense changes to balance your hormones and feel your best.


You will be unlikely to see lasting change if you:

  • Smoke or vape
  • Have excessive, untreated stress
  • Take blood thinning medications or have a clotting disorder
  • Have unregulated high blood pressure
  • Had cosmetic surgery (within 2 years)or Botox/fillers within 3 weeks
  • Regularly consume alcohol
  • Take medications that damage the liver or kidney
  • Have poor liver or kidney function

Book an appointment to see if I can help you look and feel better!