Picture of someone in a field with pollen swirling around

Photo by Aziz Acharki

When you are highly stressed, your brain releases chemicals like cortisol that impact your higher brain function. So in that fight or flight  state, it becomes very difficult to think beyond your immediate situation. Focusing on small things within your control is one way  you can  stay calm when you feel like you have no control on the world around you.


When you are in fight or flight mode, your body starts slowing down digestion, and other lower functions because it thinks you are in imminent danger and may have to escape. Fight or flight is super useful if you have to run from a tiger, but not very helpful if you need to make decisions.  Since your gut is the basis of your immune system, poor digestion means you aren’t metabolizing nutrients, and

In TCM terms, your Spleen & Stomach are damaged by worry, and can’t perform their normal functions of transformation & transportation, and


1. Move Your Body

Don’t think you have to  work out 6 hours a day. Take a walk, dance to your favorite song, stretch, watch a qi gong or yoga video. Exercise releases endorphins and actually increases the size of your hippocampus, which  regulates motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. That means that even a little bit of movement per day will help you to think more clearly, make decisions and be able to motivate yourself to get things done. 

2. Start Your Day with a Hot Breakfast

If you are deeply depressed or anxious, this is easier said than done. But skipping breakfast or  eating junk early  in the day can  lead to blood sugar spikes and mood crashes. If you don’t feel up to cooking, pick up some frozen meals. Trader Joe’s has lots of healthy options. From a TCM standpoint, your spleen is most vulnerable in the morning, so eating nourishing, warm foods is the best way to strengthen it. The stronger your een, the stronger your digestion, and immune system .

3. Follow a routine

When things feel out of your control, focusing on the small things you CAN control is one way  to feel more settled. A routine anchors us. There’s are great websites that will give you checklists and suggested schedules to keep you sane as you navigate all this.  Things are less likely to spin out of control if you are know what to expect every day. You won’t feel overwhelmed  if you spend a small part of  each day doing housework or putting things away. A big mess is going to stress you out more.  Also, make sure to schedule time for something you enjoy, so you have something to look forward to every evening. Even if it’s as simple as a bath or a walk around the block.

3. Floss Your Teeth

Do this for 2 reasons: to keep your routine,  and because poor dental health has a profound impact on immune system and your mental health.  The bacteria that cause gingivitis and periodontal disease travel through the bloodstream. This provokes an immune and inflammatory response that can damage your heart and your mood.

4. Drink enough water 

Dehydration weakens your immune system, and can also contribute to feeling foggy, irritable and anxious, and can interfere with decision making ability.