Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Generally you won’t feel most points, but some will have a small, temporary pinch on points that address an acute symptom.
If anything feels uncomfortable, you should tell your practitioner .
How Many Visits Does it Take?
That depends on several factors: your age, the severity of the symptoms, your underlying health, and the condition being treated. Mild issues usually take 2-4 visits, while more serious conditions will take between 8-10 visits to see major results.
How Often Do I Need to Come?
Acupuncture has a cumulative effect. Each time you visit, the effects last longer. So you might have relief for 4 days after your 1st visit, then 8 days after your third, and so on, and so on. If you wait too long between your first few sessions, you lose your momentum.
What does Acupuncture Feel Like?
Generally you don’t feel anything, but some points will have a small, pinch that lasts a few seconds. Sometimes you’ll feel a sensation of warmth, movement or a slight ache, as circulation increases and nerves are stimulated.
What if I’m Afraid of Needles?
If you have a needle phobia or feel anxious about getting needled, we can do other modalities like Gua Sha, cupping, herbal medicine, or use cold painless acu lasers in place of needles
Are Chinese Herbs Safe?
Yes, please see my blog post on herbs if you want more detailed information. Traditional Chinese formulas are highly researched and safe when prescribed by a licensed herbalist with sufficient training and education. They will be able to safely prescribe you herbs that work for your particular diagnosis and won’t interact with your medications or supplements. We don’t prescribe by symptom. 10 different patients with headaches may get 10 different formulas, based on the underlying cause.
Taking formulas that aren’t prescribed for you can lead to dangerous side effects or interactions. It is important to choose herbs from reputable sources. Donna only sells herbs that meet the highest international standards for safety.
How Do I Prepare for My Visit?
Make sure you’ve eaten, and aren’t hungry or dehydrated. Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing that can allow access to your arms and legs. If you are coming straight from work, you can bring clothes to change into, or I can give you a robe
Are There Any Side Effects to Acupuncture?
Besides feeling better, not really. Because acupuncture releases endorphins, you can feel an “acupuncture high” which can leave you feeling a bit dizzy or woozy. Drinking lots of water and resting will help reduce this!