Acupuncture spurs the body to heal itself by stimulating the central nervous system to release chemicals into the brain, spinal cord and muscles. These chemicals reduce both the intensity and perception of pain, and prompt your body’s own healing mechanisms.
Acupuncture reduces inflammation and stress. Stress is a huge factor in so many diseases, and impacts sleep, mood and well-being. It also increases blood flow, which carries oxygen, nutrients and other substances that ensure healthy muscles, skin and nerves.
Acupuncture is great for treating pain, PMS, dental pain, sciatica, migraines, digestive disorders, arthritis, nausea, postpartum recovery, ADHD, a variety of women’s health issues, and many more conditions.
First Session: 90 minutes, $125
Before I begin needling, I will conduct a full health history and traditional Chinese medicine exam. I will use short, thin needles to reduce pain during the session. Before you leave, I will also give you a wellness plan to follow that will continue to address you health concerns in between visits. You’ll have a prescription to fill in my herbal dispensary and some lifestyle and diet recommendations.
Follow-Up Session: 60 minutes, $80
During follow-up sessions we’ll evaluate how your wellness plan is working and adjust your session as necessary.
cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is the best option for you if you’re looking for direct mental and physical health benefits during your beauty treatment. Just as with body acupuncture, needles stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory system to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells. Since I also have a Masters in Chinese medicine, you’re getting traditional body acupuncture & special herb prescriptions at the same time to address the underlying stress, health and hormonal issues that caused the skin problems in the first place.
You are a great candidate for cosmetic acupuncture if you believe your underlying health issues affect your skin, and want to address those issues, and make appropriate lifestyle, dietary and skin care changes, if needed. . Treating just your face instead of the actual cause of the issues will result in extremely temporary effects and you’ll also miss out on that awesome relaxing treatment .
Chinese Medicine has identified the organ imbalances responsible for each skin issue, from saggy skin to uneven skin tone to acne and rosacea.. The protocols we use were developed over 2000 years ago in China and designed to keep the royal family looking youthful, healthy and vibrant. This means they are super safe and time tested over centuries and centuries of use.
While I do use traditional Chinese Medicine protocols, I like to incorporate some of the more modern antioxidants and anti-aging techniques and masks I learned at my Los Angeles esthetician school. You won’t have an experience like this anywhere else.
Cosmetic acupuncture is great for evening out skin tone and texture and reducing the appearance of eye bags, crows feet and lines. Sessions increase your collagen and elastin as well as make your skin look more hydrated and vital. It also balances hormones, reduces stress, reduces inflammation and improves circulation. And there’s no side effects or toxic chemicals to disrupt your endocrine system.
Cosmetic acupuncture is not recommended for those who are pregnant, smoke, have diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension, prolonged un-managed stress or other conditions that affect circulation. It’s also unsuitable for those who’ve had facial surgery, recent Botox, fillers, or procedures that thin the skin. If you are unsure at all, please email or call so we can determine if you’re a good candidate.
I recommend a series of 10 visits (spaced once or twice a week). If you space out the visits too much, or do not finish the series, your results will not be lasting or significant.
First Session: 90 minutes, $130
In your first session, we’ll complete a full consultation. Then, I will apply facial and body needles to address your issues, and their underlying causes, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation. We will do facial gua sha with an herbal, anti aging serum. You’ll walk away with a customized prescriptions for anti aging and antioxidant supplements and serums that will continue to work on the underlying concerns causing your skin issues. . These are optional, but will dramatically improve your results.
Follow-Up Session: 90 minutes, $130
In follow-up sessions, you’ll receive facial and body needles plus a custom herbal mask and custom facial gua sha.
60-Minute Session, 1st session 90 minutes
Short, Thin Needles
I use Japanese style needles which are short and thin to reduce pain.
Herbal and Eastern Nutrition Consult
We’ll discuss lifestyle changes you can make to bridge the gap between sessions.
Full Health Assessment
Your first visit with me will include taking a full health history and a traditional Chinese medical exam.
Your first visit costs $125 and your follow-up visits run $80/session.
Serving Kansas City, Leawood, Waldo, Prairie Village, Overland Park, Brookside, Mission Hills, Lee's Summit and the greater Kansas City Metro.
Treatment Specialties: pain, women's health, preventative medicine, migraines, & more!
Services: acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, Chinese medicine, herbs and supplements, cupping, gua sha